Saturday, August 13, 2011

There's this girl at my school and yet I have never spoken to her, but my feelings tell me to go with it, how would I go about talking to her without making it obvious that I am crazy about her whilst making a good impression. Sorry about the rant :S

Get a mutual friend to introduce you and try and strike up conversation on things you know she's interested in (but bring it up subtly) or you could just small talk (small talk isn't as awful as everyone makes it out to be.)
If you're in the same class ask her questions about the work and then move from topic to topic, but don't be too forward trying to keep the conversation afloat; that can come off as being really creepy, try and maintain light conversation.
also be confident and if something witty pops into your head SAY IT. she will laugh and you will feel like a God.
But don't get too discouraged too fast: she might be having a bad day or she might be a bit flustered at the time. just keep trying and hopefully she'll reciprocate ;)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the advice, this helps!
    (yes it was I who wrote this question)
